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Could your business use a helping hand?
Plaster Master
Plaster Master 2007

"Lead to Lien" information and knowledge tracking system for the Pool Plastering Industry. The system enables rapid estimating, eliminates double-data entry, and ensures consistency and accuracy. More importantly, it enables you to obtain in depth knowledge about your business and be able to better focus on growing sales and delivering services, as opposed to managing information and paperwork.

PlasterMaster is sold and licensed as a remote application that can be accessed anytime, anywhere in the world from a computer with Internet access. This enables Strategic Planet to ensure proper hardware requirements, rapid software updating, consistent backup procedures, and streamlined integration with either QuickBooks or Peachtree. In addition to the initial purchase price, there are annual subscription maintenance contracts available, as well as an annual per user fee to cover remote access licensing and user support. Additional benefits of the remote access system are remote sales rep access, and easy access by company owners while traveling or from home.

Plaster Master's primary capabilities / modules include:

  • Anytime, Anywhere Remote Access to your company's PlasterMaster installation
  • Lead Tracking
  • Estimating
  • Contract Building
  • Task Creation and Scheduling
  • Crew and Sales Rep Payroll Tracking
  • Warranty Work
  • Job Costing
  • Accounting System Integration (QuickBooks, Peachtree)
  • Lien Management
  • Referral Tracking
  • Extensive Reporting